Plant Sale

Ice Cream Social

Social Media

Follow the Beaumont HSA on Facebook and Instagram!


Join the individual Facebook grade groups to stay on top of all the discussions related to school work, events, classroom discussions, questions about homework & projects.


Login or Register

Our HSA subscribes to Membership Toolkit — an online directory & website service that makes it easier to work together. We offer all family & faculty memberships for FREE! As always, volunteering and meetings for the HSA are totally optional. But we invite you to do both, and hope you will! 

Volunteer at Beaumont

Beaumont needs YOU! The HSA relies on volunteers to run smoothly. If you can help just a little, it will make a BIG difference. Volunteering with the HSA is a great way to become involved in your child's education and make new friends in the process. 



Click to learn more...

Bear Fund

In 2012, the Beaumont Home & School Association implemented a Proud To Be Beaumont Bears direct donation campaign and reduced the number of small fundraisers throughout the school year.  Beaumont HSA is a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization, and your generous donation is 100% tax deductible. 

Donate to Bear Fund Here

All gifts are greatly appreciated and no gift is too small. We appreciate your support!